Geographic Dissection of the Twitter Network
Juhi Kulshrestha
Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
07 Dec 2012, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Saarbrücken building E1 5, room 005
SWS Student Defense Talks - Qualifying Exam
Geography plays an important role in shaping societal interactions in the
offline world. However, as more and more social interactions occur online via
social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, users can interact with
others unconstrained by their geolocations, raising the question: does offline
geography still matter in online social networks? In this paper, we attempt to
address this question by dissecting the Twitter social network based on users’
geolocations and investigating how users’ geolocation impacts their
participation in Twitter, ...
Geography plays an important role in shaping societal interactions in the
offline world. However, as more and more social interactions occur online via
social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook, users can interact with
others unconstrained by their geolocations, raising the question: does offline
geography still matter in online social networks? In this paper, we attempt to
address this question by dissecting the Twitter social network based on users’
geolocations and investigating how users’ geolocation impacts their
participation in Twitter, including their connections to others and the
information they exchange with them. Our in-depth analysis reveals that
geography continues to have a significant impact on user interactions in the
Twitter social network. The influence of geography could be potentially
explained by the shared national, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds of users
from the same geographic neighborhood.
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