News 2024

Max Planck researchers publish 6 papers at POPL 2024!

Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) have authored a total of 6 papers accepted to POPL 2024.  This is the seventh year in a row that MPI-SWS researchers have published 5+ papers in POPL.  Congratulations to all our POPL authors!

  • Decision and Complexity of Dolev-Yao Hyperproperties by Itsaka Rakotonirina, Gilles Barthe, Clara Schneidewind

  • Parikh's Theorem Made Symbolic by Matthew Hague, 
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) and the Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy (MPI-SP) have authored a total of 6 papers accepted to POPL 2024.  This is the seventh year in a row that MPI-SWS researchers have published 5+ papers in POPL.  Congratulations to all our POPL authors!

  • Decision and Complexity of Dolev-Yao Hyperproperties by Itsaka Rakotonirina, Gilles Barthe, Clara Schneidewind

  • Parikh's Theorem Made Symbolic by Matthew Hague, Artur Jez, Anthony Widjaja Lin

  • Positive Almost-Sure Termination – Complexity and Proof Rules by Rupak Majumdar and V.R. Sathiyanarayana.

  • Ramsey Quantifiers in Linear Arithmetics by Pascal Bergsträßer, Moses Ganardi, Anthony Widjaja Lin, Georg Zetzsche

  • Reachability in Continuous Pushdown VASS by A. R. Balasubramanian, Rupak Majumdar, Ramanathan S. Thinniyam, Georg Zetzsche

  • Regular Abstractions for Array Systems by Chih-Duo Hong and Anthony Widjaja Lin

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