News 2020

Distributed, Networked & Mobile Systems

MPI-SWS researchers receive OSDI Distinguished Artifact Award

November 2020
MPI-SWS researchers Arpan Gujarati, Safya Alzayat, Wei Hao, Antoine Kaufmann, and Jonathan Mace, along with Reza Karimi and Ymir Vigfusson from Emory University, have received the OSDI Distinguished Artifact Award for their paper, Serving DNNs like Clockwork: Performance Predictability from the Bottom Up.

See here for a video of their cinematic conference presentation.

Read more about the OSDI artifact evaluation process.

Aastha Mehta accepts faculty position at University of British Columbia

September 2020
Aastha Mehta, a doctoral student in the Distributed Systems group and the Security & Privacy group, has accepted a position as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations Aastha!

Aastha's research interests span systems security, data privacy, operating systems, and distributed systems. She has worked on building systems for ensuring policy compliance and for mitigating network side-channel leaks in online services. You can find out more about her work at
Aastha Mehta, a doctoral student in the Distributed Systems group and the Security & Privacy group, has accepted a position as a tenure-track assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Congratulations Aastha!

Aastha's research interests span systems security, data privacy, operating systems, and distributed systems. She has worked on building systems for ensuring policy compliance and for mitigating network side-channel leaks in online services. You can find out more about her work at
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MPI-SWS faculty organizing SOSP 2021

February 2020
MPI-SWS faculty members Peter Druschel, Keon Jang, and Antoine Kaufmann have been appointed as joint general chairs for the 28th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP'21), to be held in Koblenz, Germany from Oct 25 to Oct 28, 2021.

SOSP is a top-tier conference covering the full range of theory and practice of computer systems software.