Algorithms, Theory & Logic

The algorithms, theory, and logic theme encompasses our research into the mathematical underpinnings of computer science and the application of foundational ideas to concrete applications in many different areas of computer science. Our research spans both algorithms, decidability, and complexity as well as logic, semantics, and proof theory.


MPI-SWS researchers receive 2024 SIGBED HSCC Best Paper award

June 2024
MPI-SWS researchers have received the 2024 SIGBED HSCC best paper award for their paper "Linear Dynamical Systems with Continuous Weight Functions."

Max Planck researchers publish 6 papers at POPL 2024!

January 2024
Max Planck researchers have authored six papers to appear in POPL 2024.

Anne-Kathrin Schmuck joins MPI-SWS tenure-track faculty

July 2023
Anne-Kathrin Schmuck joins the tenure-track faculty at our institute starting July 2023.

MPI-SWS researchers receive the 2023 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation

May 2023
MPI-SWS researchers have received the 2023 Alonzo Church Award for their seminal work on the Iris Framework for higher-order concurrent separation logic.

MPI-SWS researchers receive 2023 EATCS Best Paper award

April 2023
MPI-SWS researchers have received the 2023 EATCS best paper award for their paper "Unboundedness problems for machines with reversal-bounded counters."
