Programming Languages & Verification

The group’s research focuses on the principles, design and implementation of programming languages and on foundational techniques and practical tools for analyzing, testing, and verifying programs against their correctness specifications.

Recent research has developed techniques for verifying compilers and other critical software, and tools for testing and/or verifying concurrent systems.


Max Planck researchers publish 6 papers at POPL 2024!

January 2024
Max Planck researchers have authored six papers to appear in POPL 2024.

MPI-SWS PhD students appointed as tenure-track faculty at ETH Zurich and ISTA

December 2023
MPI-SWS PhD students Michalis Kokologiannakis and Michael Sammler have accepted tenure-track faculty positions at ETH Zurich and ISTA, respectively.

MPI-SWS researchers receive the 2023 Alonzo Church Award for Outstanding Contributions to Logic and Computation

May 2023
MPI-SWS researchers have received the 2023 Alonzo Church Award for their seminal work on the Iris Framework for higher-order concurrent separation logic.

Kaushik Mallik awarded ETAPS Doctoral Dissertation Award

April 2023
Kaushik Mallik's thesis has received the 2023 ETAPS Doctoral Dissertation Award.

Max Planck researchers publish 6 papers at POPL 2023!

January 2023
Max Planck researchers have authored six papers to appear in POPL 2023, one of which received a distinguished paper award.
